I have just finished my first VMware vSAN ESA Plan, Design, and Implement project and had a chance to test vSAN ESA performance. By the way, every storage should be stressed and benchmarked before being put into production. VMware's software-defined hyperconverged storage (vSAN) is no different. It is even more important because the server's CPU, RAM, and Network usually used only for VM workloads are leveraged to emulate the enterprise-class storage.
vSAN ESA Environment
All storage performance tests were performed on
- 6-node vSAN ESA Cluster (6x ESXi hosts)
- ESXi Specification
- OS: VMware ESXi 8.0 U3 (8.0.3 Build: 24280767)
- Server Model: Cisco UCS X210c M7
- CPU: 32 CPU Cores - 2x CPU Intel Xeon Gold 6544Y 16C @ 3.6 GHz
- RAM: 1.5 TB
- NIC: Cisco VIC 15230 - 2x 50Gbps
- vSAN vmknic is active/standby, therefore active on one 50 Gbps NIC (vmnic)
- 50 Gbps is physically two 25G-KR (transceiver modules)
- Storage: 5x NVMe 6.4 TB 2.5in U.2 P5620 NVMe High Perf High Endurance
- The usable raw capacity of one disk is 5.82 TB, that's the difference between vendor "sales" capacity and reality. almost 0.6 TB difference :-(
- Storage benchmark software - HCIBench 2.8.3
- 18 test VMs (8x data vDisk, 2 workers per vDisk) evenly distributed across the vSAN Cluster
- fio target storage latency 2.5 ms (2,500 us)
- vSAN Storage Policy:
- RAID-5
- compression enabled
- IOPS Limit 5,000 (to not totally overload the server's CPU)
The vSphere/vSAN storage architecture is depicted in the diagram below.
vSphere/vSAN storage architecture |
The Physical network topology is dictated by the Cisco UCS blade system and is depicted below.
Cisco UCS Network Topology |
And the diagram of vSphere virtual networking on top of Cisco UCS.
vSphere Network Architecture |
Test Cases
Random storage workloads
32KB IO, 100% read, 100% random
Test Case Name: fio-8vmdk-90ws-32k-100rdpct-100randompct-2500lt-1732885897
Performance Result
Datastore: CUST-1001-VSAN
JOB_NAME: job0
Number of VMs: 18
I/O per Second: 721,317.28 IO/S
Throughput: 22,540.00 MB/s
Read Latency: 2.03 ms
Write Latency: 0.00 ms
95th Percentile Read Latency: 2.00 ms
95th Percentile Write Latency: 0.00 ms
ESXi Host CPU Usage during test 78 GHz (1 GHz is used in idle)
vSAN vmnic4 transmit traffic ~3.4 GB/s (27.2 Gb/s)
vSAN vmnic4 receive traffic ~3.4 GB/s (27.2 Gb/s)
Storage IOPS per ESXi: 120,220 IOPS (721,317 IOPS / 6 ESXi hosts)
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN Storage + vSAN Network Traffic
120,220 Storage IOPS + 27.2 Gb/s Network transmit traffic + 27.2 Gb/s Network receive traffic requires 77 GHz
That means 1 vSAN read 32 KB I/O operation (including TCP network traffic) requires ~640 KHz.
In other words, 640,000 Hz for 32 KB read I/O (256,000 bits) means ~2.5 Hz to read 1 bit of data.
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN network traffic
I have tested that
9.6 Gb/s of transmit pure network traffic requires 1681 MHz (1.68 GHz) of CPU usage
That means
10,307,921,510 b/s transmit traffic requires 1,681,000,000 Hz
1 b/s transmit traffic requires 0.163 Hz
1 Gb/s transmit traffic requires 163 MHz
I have also tested that
10 Gb/s of receive pure network traffic requires 4000 MHz (4 GHz) of CPU usage
That means
10,737,418,240 b/s transmit traffic requires 4,000,000,000 Hz
1 b/s receive traffic requires 0.373 Hz
1 Gb/s receive traffic requires 373 MHz
vSAN ESXi host reports transmitting network traffic of 27.2 Gb/s, thus it requires ~ 4.43 GHz CPU
vSAN ESXi host reports receiving network traffic of 27.2 Gb/s, thus it requires ~ 10.15 GHz CPU
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN Storage without vSAN network traffic
We can deduct 14.58 GHz (4.43 + 10.15) CPU usage (the cost of bidirectional network traffic) from 77 GHz total ESXi CPU usage. That means we need 62.42 GHz CPU usage for vSAN storage operations without network transfers.
We were able to achieve 120,220 IOPS on the ESXi host at 62.42 GHz (62,420,000,000 Hz)
That means 1 NVMe read 32 KB I/O operation without a TCP network traffic requires ~519 KHz.
In other words, 519,000 CPU Hz for 32 KB read I/O (256,000 bits) means ~2 Hz to read 1 bit of data.
32k IO, 100% write, 100% random
Test Case Name: fio-8vmdk-90ws-32k-0rdpct-100randompct-2500lt-1732885897
Performance Result
Datastore: CUST-1001-VSAN
JOB_NAME: job0
Number of VMs: 18
I/O per Second: 285,892.55 IO/S
Throughput: 8,934.00 MB/s
Read Latency: 0.00 ms
Write Latency: 1.74 ms
95th Percentile Read Latency: 0.00 ms
95th Percentile Write Latency: 2.00 ms
ESXi Host CPU Usage during test 88 GHz (1 GHz is used in idle)
vSAN vmnic4 transmit traffic ~4.44 GB/s (35.5 Gb/s)
vSAN vmnic4 receive traffic ~5 GB/s (40 Gb/s)
Storage IOPS per ESXi: 47,650 IOPS (285,892 IOPS / 6 ESXi hosts)
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN Storage + vSAN Network Traffic
47,650 Storage IOPS + 35.5 Gb/s Network transmit traffic + 40 Gb/s Network receive traffic requires 87 GHz
That means 1 vSAN write 32 KB I/O operation (including TCP network traffic) requires ~1,825 KHz.
In other words, 1,825,000 CPU Hz for 32 KB write I/O (256,000 bits) means ~7.13 Hz to write 1 bit of data.
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN network traffic
1 Gb/s transmit traffic requires 163 MHz
1 Gb/s receive traffic requires 373 MHz
vSAN ESXi host reports transmitting network traffic of 35.5 Gb/s, thus it requires ~ 5.79 GHz CPU
vSAN ESXi host reports receiving network traffic of 40 Gb/s, thus it requires ~ 14.92 GHz CPU
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN Storage without vSAN network traffic
We can deduct 20.71 GHz (5.79 + 14.92) CPU usage (the cost of bidirectional network traffic) from 87 GHz total ESXi CPU usage. We need 66.29 GHz CPU usage for vSAN storage operations without network transfers.
We were able to achieve 47,650 IOPS on the ESXi host at 66.29 GHz (66,290,000,000 Hz)
That means 1 NVMe write 32 KB I/O operation without a TCP network traffic requires ~1,391 KHz.
In other words, 1,391,000 CPU Hz for 32 KB write I/O (256,000 bits) means ~5.43 Hz to write 1 bit of data.
32k IO, 70% read - 30% write, 100% random
Test Case Name: fio-8vmdk-90ws-32k-70rdpct-100randompct-2500lt-1732908719
Performance Result
Datastore: CUST-1001-VSAN
JOB_NAME: job0
Number of VMs: 18
I/O per Second: 602,702.73 IO/S
Throughput: 18,834.00 MB/s
Read Latency: 1.55 ms
Write Latency: 1.99 ms
95th Percentile Read Latency: 2.00 ms
95th Percentile Write Latency: 2.00 ms
ESXi Host CPU Usage during test 95 GHz (1 GHz is used in idle)
vSAN vmnic4 transmit traffic ~4.5 GB/s (36 Gb/s)
vSAN vmnic4 receive traffic ~4.7 GB/s (37.6 Gb/s)
Storage IOPS per ESXi: 100,450 IOPS (602,702 IOPS / 6 ESXi hosts)
Sequential storage workloads
1024k IO, 100% read, 100% sequential
Test Case Name: fio-8vmdk-90ws-1024k-100rdpct-0randompct-2500lt-1732911329
Performance Result
Datastore: CUST-1001-VSAN
JOB_NAME: job0
Number of VMs: 18
I/O per Second: 22,575.50 IO/S
Throughput: 22,574.00 MB/s
Read Latency: 6.38 ms
Write Latency: 0.00 ms
95th Percentile Read Latency: 6.00 ms
95th Percentile Write Latency: 0.00 ms
ESXi Host CPU Usage during test 60 GHz (1 GHz is used in idle)
vSAN vmnic4 transmit traffic ~3.4 GB/s (27.2 Gb/s)
vSAN vmnic4 receive traffic ~3.2 GB/s (25.6 Gb/s)
Storage IOPS per ESXi: 3,762 IOPS (22,574 IOPS / 6 ESXi hosts)
Throughput per ESXi: 3,762.00 MB/s (22,574.00 MB/s / 6 ESXi hosts)
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN Storage + vSAN Network Traffic
3,762 Storage IOPS + 27.2 Gb/s Network transmit traffic + 25.6 Gb/s Network receive traffic requires 59 GHz
That means 1 vSAN read 1024 KB I/O operation (including TCP network traffic) requires ~15,683 KHz.
In other words, 15,640,000 CPU Hz for 1024 KB read I/O (8,388,608 bits) means ~1.86 Hz to read 1 bit of data.
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN network traffic
1 Gb/s transmit traffic requires 163 MHz
1 Gb/s receive traffic requires 373 MHz
vSAN ESXi host reports transmitting network traffic of 27.2 Gb/s, thus it requires ~4.43 GHz CPU
vSAN ESXi host reports receiving network traffic of 25.6 Gb/s, thus it requires ~9.55 GHz CPU
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN Storage without vSAN network traffic
We can deduct 13.98 GHz (4.43 + 9.55) CPU usage (the cost of bidirectional network traffic) from 59 GHz total ESXi CPU usage. That means we need 45.02 GHz CPU usage for vSAN storage operations without network transfers.
We were able to achieve 3,162 IOPS on the ESXi host at 45.02 GHz (45,020,000,000 Hz)
That means 1 NVMe read 1 MB I/O operation without a TCP network traffic requires ~14,238 KHz.
In other words, 14,238,000 CPU Hz for 1024 KB read I/O (8,388,608 bits) means ~ 1.69 Hz to read 1 bit of data.
1024k IO, 100% write, 100% sequential
Test Case Name: fio-8vmdk-90ws-1024k-0rdpct-0randompct-2500lt-1732913825
Performance Result
Datastore: CUST-1001-VSAN
JOB_NAME: job0
Number of VMs: 18
I/O per Second: 15,174.08 IO/S
Throughput: 15,171.00 MB/s
Read Latency: 0.00 ms
Write Latency: 8.30 ms
95th Percentile Read Latency: 0.00 ms
95th Percentile Write Latency: 12.00 ms
ESXi Host CPU Usage during test 60 GHz (1 GHz is used in idle)
vSAN vmnic4 transmit traffic ~3.9 GB/s (31.2 Gb/s)
vSAN vmnic4 receive traffic ~3.9 GB/s (31.2 Gb/s)
Storage IOPS per ESXi: 2,529 IOPS (15,171.00 IOPS / 6 ESXi hosts)
Throughput per ESXi: 2,529 MB/s (15,171.00 MB/s / 6 ESXi hosts)
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN Storage + vSAN Network Traffic
2,529 Storage IOPS + 31.2 Gb/s Network transmit traffic + 31.2 Gb/s Network receive traffic requires 59 GHz
That means 1 vSAN 1024 KB write I/O operation (including TCP network traffic) requires ~23,329 KHz.
In other words, 23,329,000 CPU Hz for 1024 KB write I/O (8,388,608 bits) means ~2.78 Hz to write 1 bit of data.
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN network traffic
1 Gb/s transmit traffic requires 163 MHz
1 Gb/s receive traffic requires 373 MHz
vSAN ESXi host reports transmitting network traffic of 27.2 Gb/s, thus it requires ~4.43 GHz CPU
vSAN ESXi host reports receiving network traffic of 25.6 Gb/s, thus it requires ~9.55 GHz CPU
ESXi CPU Usage due to vSAN Storage without vSAN network traffic
We can deduct 13.98 GHz (4.43 + 9.55) CPU usage (the cost of bidirectional network traffic) from 59 GHz total ESXi CPU usage. That means we need 45.02 GHz CPU usage for vSAN storage operations without network transfers.
We were able to achieve 2,259 IOPS on the ESXi host at 45.02 GHz (45,020,000,000 Hz)
That means 1 NVMe 1024 KB write I/O operation without a TCP network traffic requires ~19,929 KHz.
In other words, 19,929,000 CPU Hz for 1024 KB write I/O (8,388,608 bits) means ~ 2.37 Hz to write 1 bit of data.
1024k IO, 70% read - 30% write, 100% sequential
Performance Result
Datastore: CUST-1001-VSAN
JOB_NAME: job0
Number of VMs: 18
I/O per Second: 19,740.90 IO/S
Throughput: 19,738.00 MB/s
Read Latency: 5.38 ms
Write Latency: 8.68 ms
95th Percentile Read Latency: 7.00 ms
95th Percentile Write Latency: 12.00 ms
ESXi Host CPU Usage during test 62 GHz (1 GHz is used in idle)
vSAN vmnic4 receive traffic ~4.15 GB/s (33.2 Gb/s)
vSAN vmnic4 transmit traffic ~4.3 GB/s (34.4 Gb/s)
Storage IOPS per ESXi: 3,290 IOPS (19,740.90 IOPS / 6 ESXi hosts)
Throughput per ESXi: 3,290 MB/s (19,738.00 MB/s / 6 ESXi hosts)
Observations and explanation
Observation 1 - Storage and network workload requires CPU resources.
This is obvious and logical, however, here is some observed data from our storage performance benchmark exercise.
32K, 100% read, 100% random (721,317.28 IOPS in VM guest, 22,540.00 MB/s in VM guest)
=> CPU Usage ~77 GHz
=> ~2.5 Hz to read 1 bit of data (storage + network)
=> ~2 Hz to read 1 bit of data (storage only)
=> 25% goes to network traffic
32K, 70%read 30%write, 100% random (602,702.73 IOPS in VM guest, 18,834.00 MB/s in VM guest)
32K, 100% write, 100% random (285,892.55 IOPS in VM guest, 8,934.00 MB/s in VM guest)
=> CPU Usage ~87 GHz
=> ~7.13 Hz to write 1 bit of data (storage + network)
=> ~5.43 Hz to write 1 bit of data (storage only)
=> 31% goes to network traffic
1M, 100% read, 100% random (22,575.50 IOPS in VM guest, 22,574.00 MB/s in VM guest)
=> CPU Usage ~60 GHz
=> ~1.86 Hz to read 1 bit of data (storage + network)
=> ~1.69 Hz to read 1 bit of data (storage only)
=> 10% goes to network traffic
1M, 70% read 30% write, 100% random (19,740.90 IOPS in VM guest, 19,738.00 MB/s in VM guest)
=> CPU Usage ~61 GHz
1M, 100% write, 100% random (15,174.08 IOPS in VM guest, 15,171.00 MB/s in VM guest)
=> CPU Usage ~59 GHz
=> ~2.78 Hz to write 1 bit of data (storage + network)
=> ~2.37 Hz to write 1 bit of data (storage only)
=> 17% goes to network traffic
Reading 1 bit of information from vSAN hyper-converged storage requires roughly between ~1.86 Hz (1024 KB I/O size) and 2.5 Hz (32 KB I/O size).
Writing 1 bit of information to vSAN hyper-converged storage requires roughly between ~2.78 Hz (1024 KB I/O size) and 7.13 Hz (32 KB I/O size).
The above numbers are not set in stone but it is good to observe system behavior.
When I had no IOPS limits in vSAN Storage Polices, I was able to fully saturate ESXi CPU's.
CPU usage -16.52 GHz - interesting, right? |
That's a clear sign that storage subsystem (NVMe NAND Flash disks) nor Ethernet/IP network (up to 50 Gbps via a single vmnic4) are bottlenecks. The bottleneck in this case is the CPU. Remember, there is always some bottleneck and we are not looking for maximum storage performance, but for predictable and consistent storage performance without a negative impact on other resources (CPU, Network, Disks).
That's the reason why it is really good to know at least these rough numbers to do some capacity/performance planning of the hyper-converged vSAN solution.
With IOPS limit 5,000, 144 vDisks @ 5000 IOPS can have a sustainable response time of around 2 ms (32 KB I/O). The vSphere/vSAN infrastructure is designed for ~150 VM's so that's perfectly balanced. We have other two VM Storage Polices (10,000 IOPS limit and 15,000 IOPS limit) for more demanding VMs hosting SQL Servers and other storage-intensive workloads.
That's about 720,000 IOPS aggregated in total. Pretty neat for a 6-node vSAN cluster, isn't it?
Observation 2 - Between 10% and 30% CPU is consumed due to TCP network traffic
vSAN is a hyper-converged (Compute, Storage, Network) software-defined storage striping data across ESXi hosts, thus heavily leveraging standard ethernet network and TCP/IP for transport storage data across vSAN nodes (ESXi hosts). vSAN RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is actually RAIN (Redundant Array of Independent Nodes), therefore the network is highly utilized during heavy storage load. You can see the numbers above in the test results.
As I planned, designed, and implemented vSAN on Cisco UCS infrastructure with 100Gb networking (partitioned into 2x32Gb FCoE, 2x10 Gb Ethernet, 2x10Gb Ethernet, 2x50Gb Ethernet), RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) would be great to use to decrease CPU requirements and even improve latency and I/O response time. RoCE v2 is supported on vSphere 8.0 U3 for my network interface card Cisco VIC 15230 (driver nenic version 2.0.11) but Cisco is not listed among vendors supporting vSAN over RDMA. I will ask somebody in Cisco why and if they have something in the roadmap.