Monday, July 07, 2014

How social media and community sharing help entrprise customers

I'm always happy when someone finds my blog article or shared document useful. Here is one example of recent email communication from one DELL customer who Googled my DELL OME (Open Manage Essentials is basic system management for DELL hardware inforastructure) document explaining network communication flows among DELL Open Manage components.

All personal information are anonymized so customer real name is changed to Mr.Customer. 


From: Mr.Customer
To: Pasek, David
Subject: Did you get my e-mail regarding Dell OME?


Just wondering if you got my e-mail on Dell OME and also if you know if there is a new version of the following doc related to a newer version of Dell OME communicating to the iDRAC7, Dell etc…



From: Pasek, David
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 8:24 PM
Subject: Did you get my e-mail regarding Dell OME?

Hello Mr.Customer,
First of all thanks for CCing me as well. I’m always very happy when someone finds my blogs or shared documents useful.

However, please be aware that OME document I’m sharing in SlideShare is my personal contribution to public DELL user’s community and it is not DELL own official document.

I work for DELL Professional Consulting Services organization primarily focusing on VMware vSphere designs and implementations. As you are certainly aware, system management is very important part of modern infrastructure. Therefore I’m very often including DELL OME or DELL vSphere Management Plugin (DELL OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter) into VMware vSphere  design documents to fulfill customer’s specific system management requirements.

To be honest, it is not easy to implement DELL OME or anything else related to DELL Open Manage framework without clear understanding of network flows and communications among Open Manage components. This is especially true in enterprise environments where firewalls are placed among them. Unfortunately, not all information can be found in DELL  OME official documentation and it is relatively difficult to prepare firewall without good knowledge of DELL infrastructure components and Open Manage philosophy.

That’s the reason I wrote and published the document you are referencing to. The document is general and it works for iDRAC7 and latest DELL OME.

However, I don’t take any responsibility if something doesn’t work. Use it at your own risk or engage DELL Services to help you with planning, designing and implementation.

Don’t hesitate to contact me for further information if needed  but don’t expect any response time as I’m delivering projects to other DELL customer’s having SoW for infrastructure services.

Thanks to be DELL customer!
David Pasek, Virtualization Datacenter Infrastructure Architect
DELL Consulting Services - Region: EMEA, Czech Republic
Email: Mobile: +420 602 525 736
Certifications: CPSA, VCP 3/4/5, VCAP5-DCD, VCAP5-DCA
Community recognitions: VMware vExpert 2014 (

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