Lot of URLs have been changed after Broadcom acquisition of VMware.
That's the reason I have started to document some of useful links for
VMware Product Configuration Maximums - https://configmax.broadcom.com (aka https://vmware.com/go/hcl)
Network (IP) ports Needed by VMware Products and Solutions - https://ports.broadcom.com/
VMware Compatibility Guide - https://compatibilityguide.broadcom.com/ (aka https://www.vmware.com/go/hcl)
VMware Product Lifecycle - https://support.broadcom.com/group/ecx/productlifecycle (aka https://lifecycle.vmware.com/)
Product Interoperability Matrix - https://interopmatrix.broadcom.com/Interoperability
VMware Hands-On Lab - https://labs.hol.vmware.com/HOL/catalog
Broadcom (VMware) Education / Learning - https://www.broadcom.com/education
VMware Validated Solutions - https://vmware.github.io/validated-solutions-for-cloud-foundation/
If you are independent consultant and have to open support ticket related to VMware Education or Certification you can use form at https://broadcomcms-software.wolkenservicedesk.com/web-form
VMware Health Analyzer
- Full VHA download: https://docs.broadcom.com/docs/VHA-FULL-OVF10
- Collector VHA download: https://docs.broadcom.com/docs/VHA-COLLECTOR-OVF10
- Full VHA license Register Tool: https://pstoolhub.broadcom.com/